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Over 90 days ago
0 miles · New Jersey



I was reminded of you, for the first time in forever. Why- no, how could I so easily forget? But I reminded myself it wasn’t easy. And it wasn’t quick. I had put up a fight. Yet, you watched me from the sidelines. I would’ve fought forever. But I had to s...

Score 2 2
206 Views 206
310 words 310 words

The low hum of the air conditioner breaks the silence of the room. The sheets are soft below my body, and my face is buried into a pillow. Sunlight slowly tiptoes across my floorboards, making its way toward me. I scrunch my comforter closer and turn onto...

Score 1 1
176 Views 176
442 words 442 words

I am honest to most, yet my trust is not easily won. My vulnerability is something that rarely sees the light. Every battle, win or lose, I am a lone soldier. You do not deserve the weight of my burdens. I am not very strong, but I can hold myself up. I a...

Score 4 4
134 Views 134
146 words 146 words

A flicker of blonde, that I once believed was gold. A heart seemingly full of kindness. Yet now there only seems to be a hole. A pretty face masking the ugliness underneath. I believed time would bring compassion, yet now there is only more hate. * Wrappi...

Score 3 3
130 Views 130
210 words 210 words