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Congratulations to WriterGirl, Tom, and Mendalla, plus everyone else who didn't come in 9th!

It was a fun theme, and brought out some great writing and better ideas.

Well done all.

Quote by verbal

That's a lot of cities! I don't know I could handle a schedule like that. Off to get a haircut, and run a few errands - we are off to a Brooks and Dunn concert in Denver this weekend.

I'm taking a few days off from watching the Mets. It's just too depressing. Why do they ALWAYS suck?

A coffee and a flag cookie please.


Why do the Mets always suck? For the same reason that the Jays suck – ownership. When a team that should win loses for a season or two, you can blame the manager. When they lose for 5-10 years, blame the GM and President. When they lose for longer than that, blame the owners.

Ever since Labatt's, the original owner of the Jays, was taken over by a foreign brewery that didn't care about baseball, the Jays have struggled to be relevant, save for one short period when they had Alex Anthropolous as the GM.

Alas, Edward Rogers fired him (effectively) in a year when Anthropolous won GM of the Year, so he went to the Braves – which is a big reason the Braves are as good as they are.

It takes persistence, patience, and brains to win consistently. Neither the Mets nor the Jays have that.

And Mendalla, I would strongly suggest that you pick your battles. If you're getting ragged, skip a city or two, stay on the ship and relax. Most of those "10 cities in 11 days" cruises don't show you all that much since you're in each city for such a short time.

(looks around, finds the place empty)

I've got some Kona coffee in the urn, and Red Rose black and Kettl Uji Genmaimatcha green teas brewing today.

So far, I think I've got a decent chance of making the Top 10 in the current competition! Of course, it would be great if more people joined the fun, but then I expect there will be a last-minute rush.

Let's hope so at any rate!

Chilly here this morning: 10C, which is 50F, but it should warm up as the sun rises.

Enjoy the day, y'all, because it's Spring!

Quote by verbal

Nice to see a new batch of stories! Looking forward to reading them.

And congrats on the Girl and Bear book, James. I enjoyed those stories.

Not much new here. Critique group tonight, which means I am reading and critique most of the day. It does get in the way of a productive day.

Time to make the donuts. I’d love a coffee.

It's not published yet. I'm working on release next month, in time for beach-time reading lists.

I'll be sure to let everyone know. It will be offered for free on Kindle for a limited time, and I would appreciate it if people could comment on Amazon about the book.

I'll let y'all know when it's about to launch.


And an Original Earl Grey tea for me, please, Ape!

I realize I've been a bit of a stranger, but there IS a reason: Bear and Girl.

I'm putting it together in a book, and I've hired a publication company to help produce, but more importantly, market it. I hate marketing. It was the one part of my job I didn't like – promoting myself.

Anyway, another part of the reason I'm here is that I've just submitted my comp entry, and am anxiously awaiting approval or rejection. I hope the mods like it!

I'll let folks know when it hits the street – one way or the other.

Meanwhile, I'll check for GF cookies, and grab a cup of Cream of Earl Grey tea, then mosey on back to Sara's Spot and set for a spell!

Quiet in here.

OK, well, I've got a nice Ethiopian coffee perkin' away, plus some Kenyan Darjeeling tea in the pot, plus some…


It's Sara's birthday, everybody!

Happy Birthday, girl!

Hmmm…doesn't seem like there's any coffee or tea going, so I'll get things started.

Costco Lavazza beans, and Red Rose and Earl Grey White Tips tea are brewing today – and, as always, hot chocolate and mini-marshmallows are available.

Less than a week 'til Christmas! I have all the presents for Lady Jay – now I just have to wrap them!

She does all the presents for everyone else, so…

I have an idea for the last 2-3 chapters of the Bear & Girl stories, but so far haven't had time to work on them. I'll get there - I hope.

Enjoy the holidays, in whatever shape, form, or flavour you take them! Merry Christmas!

Hey there, hi there, ho there! I'm as welcome as … well, as I am, I guess.

I just wanted to alert you all to Elyse's story. I just finished, and almost got quite tearful. Almost. A little bit. But not really…

Loving Her In Silence

Hey there, hi there, ho there – I've been rather absent of late. Busy RL.

Today especially. We babysat our 3-year-old granddaughter for most of the day while her parents went to Stratford (Ontario) to see Much Ado About Nothing. The tickets and babysitting were an anniversary present.

They said it was a great production, which is good because Lady Jay and I will be seeing it in October.

Anyway, everyone enjoyed the day, everyone is exhausted, and everyone is probably going to pile into bed early tonight.

I was sorry to hear about Bob Barker as well. He was a mainstay when I was a kid and home sick from school. And I was surprised later in life to hear that he was such a big advocate of animal rights. He paid to have three elephants flown from Toronto, liberated from the Toronto Zoo, and retired to an animal sanctuary in California, I believe.

Someone posted today that when Bob Barker reached the Pearly Gates, he was greeted by a whole host of animals, saying, "Come on down!"


Red Rose and a GF cookie, please, while I repair to the rear.

Nice to see everyone here. I understand Kat is riding out Hurricane Idalia at her condo. She reports that they're safe – I hope it is so!

Quote by gillianleeza

Glad you are back to normal, Jeff. Concussions can be scary. My youngest played rugby in high school and college and had two serious ones. Luckily he stopped playing and recovered, but it took a while.

I've been cleaning out more closets and found a lot of Magic the Gathering cards and Warhammer stuff that my boys left here. I'll keep it in the attic for now and give them a timeline for coming to get it. Not sure how that is going to work for the one living in Germany. Luckily I have the room to keep it, but it's fun to poke at them about getting all their stuff out of our house.

I'll have a few cookies and a glass of lemonade. I'm enjoying a peaceful night on my own. Quiet is good to have at times.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


It's like the joke about the Catholic priest, Anglican minister, and rabbi who are at an ecumenical conference. The three friends are having a drink in the bar, and, unfortunately, the subject of abortion comes up. The priest and the minister argue back and forth for some time while the rabbi stays strangely silent.

FInally, the two turn to him, and say, "You're an intelligent man, and you've heard all the arguments. When do you think that life begins?"

The rabbi tugs his beard and reluctantly says, "Well…I've always felt that life begins when the kids leave home and the dog dies."

Manic Monkey? Is that like Outraged Ouranutang? Or Cheery Chimp? Or Gothic Gorilla?

Just asking…

Hey, Happy Birthday (today) Verbs! Hope it's a good one, with a nice, low number!

Quote by verbal

Thanks for the setup James.

Nothing new here. Hot and sunny, write and walk, watch the Mets lose. I grilled salmon chicken and corn last night - we are noshing on that all day. Or rather, I am, Talia is at work. sad Just me and the cats.

It’s my birthday this week!

Enjoy the day everyone.

Many happy returns – and I don't mean Mendalla – verbal! Hope you have a good, non-specific birthday!

And welcome back, Mendalla. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself AND are glad to be back, which is the best way to end a vacation.

Gonna post any particularly good photos? We don't need to see 2,000 pix, but maybe 3 or 4 would be nice!

Good afternoon, everybody! I've got some Colombian dark roast beans in the coffee pot, and pots of Darjeeling and Irish Breakfast teas to go with Sara's Scrumptious Cookies!

I'll take a mug o' Irish Breakfast with a couple of GF cookies and hide around the back, perchance to read…

Morning, all! I've got some Sumatran dark roast perking in the coffee urn, and some Orange Pekoe and Darjeeling teas brewing in pots to get things started. And, of course, we have Sara's Munchies to tame our tummies!

I have a new Bear & Girl story out with the improbable title:

Girl, Not Frog

Meanwhile, I'm going to grab a mug of Orange Pekoe, and wander back and set for a spell!

Hope everyone's day goes well!

So, Mendalla is off on vacation – in Iceland, no less. Hope his travel has been smooth and his visit there enjoyable!

I'll just put on some Ethiopian dark roast, plus a couple of pots of Earl Grey and Orange Pekoe (black) teas. And, of course, we have Sara's Scrumptious Goodies to enjoy!

I'm going to take a Bear-sized mug of Orange Pekoe and a couple of GF cookies back to Sara's Spot and see what I can see. Hope y'all have a great Saturday!

Mark Twain once put it perfectly:

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."

That's a far cry from "My country, right or wrong," and even further from "My party, right or wrong."

Pantsing a story, as Jeff puts it, is pretty much the way I write stories. I start with a germ of an idea, decide who the characters are, and then start writing and see what happens, letting the characters do the real work.

It works for me. But then I stole the idea from Stephen King, who has been known to write the odd story.

Some of them VERY odd.

On that note, I've just submitted my latest Bear & Girl story for publication. Hope it's accepted!

Morning, everybody! Now, let me see. I seem to recall that today was important for some reason…

Oh, yeah! It's the day our neighbours to the south celebrate their country's birthday!

Happy Fourth of July all you 'Mericans among us!

I've got some A&P Eight o'Clock coffee perkin' away, and some Red Rose tea brewed up, so enjoy!

Hot day here. I may even have to turn on the A/C. I've already been in the pool once to cool off after my yoga workout, so…keep cool you all!

Hey there! It's CANADA DAY!

We've got some Muskoka Maple coffee today, plus someone tells me there's a Canada Breakfast tea, plus Red Rose Orange Pekoe, so that's what we'll feature today!

And I'm going to follow on the policy of the University of Waterloo, which unfortunately experienced hate crime stabbings last week, killing three students. As a result, I'm going to hoist the Canadian Pride flag!

Everyone kiss a moose today (or a beaver, however you want to interpret that), eh?

Quote by gillianleeza
They finally paved our road this afternoon. The whole thing makes no sense. The state is doing the paving, but the county has been replacing water lines, and the utilities are being put underground. Why would you pave roads that are still being dug into? Typical bureaucracy; no one talks to anyone else. Sigh...

So, Fred and Dave have breakfast together every morning at the same café, sitting at the table by the window.

They're sitting there one morning when a city truck pulls up, two guys jump out and dig a hole in the verge by the sidewalk, When they've finished, they toss the shovels in the back of the truck, mount up, and roar off.

The next day, nothing happens – the hole just sits there, a mound of dirt next to it.

The third day, another city truck pulls up, two guys get out with shovels, and start to fill the hole in.

Fred and Dave are more than slightly confused, so wander out to where the crew is and ask, "What's going on? Why did two guys from the city come and dig this hole, and now you're filling it in?"

One of the guys stops, leans on his shovel, and says, "We're planting trees for the city."

Fred looks at the partially filled hole and says, "But there's no tree in there!"

The guy looks at him as if he's simple and says, "Look, buddy, there are three crews, one to dig the holes, one to plant the trees, and a third to fill in the holes. We're the third crew, see?"

Fred looks at Dave, Dave looks at Fred and shrugs, "But – no one came to plant a tree!"

The guy looks exasperated, "Of course not. Henry and Carl were off sick yesterday!"

And he goes back to filling in the hole…


There doesn't have to be a reason for it. It's policy – and it's absolutely the same in Toronto, so you're not alone in your frustrations, Gillian!

Quote by DenimAngel

Hi folks

A beautiful day here . A break from running errands.

Jeff bite your tongue.. I'd be embarrassed if the Braves ever got as horribly snooty as the Yankees . But they are pretty good about keeping players long term .. Chipper Jones played 19 seasons with them and now works in the front office .

Pouring a large iced tea and mixing in some sugar and lemon,then giving the adorable critters fresh water and treats

The Braves and the Rays look like the teams to beat this year. I'm glad at least one of them has a fan that I like – and it ain't the Rays, who only have three fans in total anyway.

If Lost Wages doesn't want Oakland, they'd be well-advised to go after Tampa Bay, whose community doesn't seem to realize what they have!

I'll take some hot cocoa this late at night, and a couple of GF cookies, please and thank you!

Quote by ladysharon

Hi, everyone! It's been very busy on my end. First up, my daughter is going to the first grade and is diagnosed with autism, but can function. I'm looking into ways to help her overcome and work closely with her doctors and the school she attends to make sure she can reach her fullest potential socially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and academically. She is really smart and has an aptitude for math, and wants to become a doctor.

As for me, I finally got my website back up and running, and I am trying to edit a video for posting to YouTube. I hope to have it done and posted by the end of this week.

My writing mojo has been coming back slowly. I decided to dust off a couple of old stories I have on here and turn them into a book for future publishing. I have so many ideas, that I actually found a few notebooks I wrote fragments of stories, and one I am working on completing before I let my editor tear it apart before I publish it.

Hi, My Lady of Sharon! I'm James, and pleased to make your acquaintance-ship!

Speaking as a run-of-the-mill neurotypical, your daughter should be just fine, especially as she's good at math. Having studied some math myself, it's a great path through life.

I'll look forward to your ideas, as embodied in stories. And welcome home!

Thanks for the goodies, Sara! I'll grab a mug of Red Rose (from a tea bag) and wander back to Sara's Space, and see if I can peruse a story or two.

TBH, I'm glad the contest is over so I can read what I wanna now, and not prioritize the contest entries.

Quote by Molly

Oh no, is my link not working for y'all?

Your link works fine, I'm just saving people the extra steps!

OK! So the winners are in, and for once I'm in complete agreement with the top three!

  • Winner

Runners Up

And YES! I made the Top 10! YEA!

Congratulations to Jeff, Jason, and WriterGirl for their fabulous stories!

And to everyone in the Top 10 – except, perhaps that weird story in the 8th place…

It was an intriguing competition – and thanks to Molly & the organizers!

Good morning, everybody! I'll just load up the coffee maker with Ethiopian beans, put on pots of Orange Pekoe (black) tea and Darjeeling teas, and then peruse the goodies.

Taking a Bear-sized mug of Orange Pekoe with a couple of GF cookies back to Sara's Space and see if I can catch up on some reading.

Hope everybody's well today! Kat, good luck with your treatments and your family!